Hi, I’m Jill!

For me, your leadership development is personal...

What started as a passion to parent my children without regret and develop leadership skills so I could lead by example in the home, turned into a system that has helped hundreds of my clients (and now leadership teams) live intentionally, transform their chaos into calm and confidently show up as a leader in every aspect of their lives. 

I've found that many of the same techniques I've used with families (as a therapist) can be applied to the workplace (as a coach). For instance, I often teach active listening skills to aide in better communication. This is imperative in the workplace so employees can communicate more effectively with their collegues. I also use techniques to help people identify and change unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors. This can be used in the workplace to help employees develop stronger problem-solving skills and help manage stress.

The bottom line? The leadership skills needed to create a more positive and productive work environment are the same leadership skills found in healthy, strong families. 

Overall, I believe that my experience as a Clinical Therapist and Corporate Coach can be a valuable asset to any organization. I am passionate about empowering people and believe my background can be an asset for those who desire to lead their families and their colleagues effectively and influentially.